

Tien jaar garantie

NRK Daklicht behartigt de belangen van zes lichtkoepel- en lichtstraatfabrikanten die gezamenlijk zeventig procent van de Nederlandse markt in handen hebben.
Zij geven tien jaar garantie af op alle geleverde producten. Dat geeft zekerheid ten aanzien van weersbestendigheid, lichtdoorlating, waterdichtheid en functionaliteit.




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Every day thousands of products from rubber and plastics are made from car tires to sailing boats. A world without is unthinkable, a sustainable future too. For companies in the rubber and plastics industry supply a wide variety of components, modules and finished products that are essential for applications in industry and commerce, construction, packaging and consumer products. The Dutch Federation of Rubber and Plastics Industry NRK daklicht represents the interests of some 470 companies grouped into 20 industry associations. We are working together on a healthy business climate for the manufacturing industry and stimulate competitiveness, innovation and knowledge transfer, education and training, a better environment and recycling. Our members undertake sustainable and with an eye for people, planet, profit and polymers. With innovation they are a trendsetter. The Dutch rubber and plastics industry has a turnover of 7.6 billon euro, consists for 95% of SME companies and give employment to app. 40.000 persons).

The rubber and plastics industry is a healthy and sustainable industry with products of great added value to the functioning of society. The NRK daklicht is a prominent umbrella organization with a clear direction and act as spokesman and contact for the rubber and plastics industry in the Netherlands. Our policy focuses on 4 themes in the coming years for the industry of interest: working relations, quality management, healthy working & environmental conditions, business and innovation & technology.

These themes are worked out in 11 dossiers. If you have any questions please contact us by mail or phone us on + 31 70 444 06 60.


Loire 150 – Castellum
gebouw C - Synthesium
2491 AK Den Haag

Postbus 420
2260 AK Leidschendam




Secretariaat NRK Daklicht

Tel: 070-444 06 60
Fax: 070-444 06 61




© NRK Daklicht 2025